web Common outdoor climbing phobias and how to combat them

Obviously I’ve never been (and never will go) rock climbing, but next time I have a precipice problem, I’m going to try this.

Common outdoor climbing phobias and how to combat them | Boing Boing Gadgets:
2. Heights
I’m not normally scared of heights, but I have to admit that hanging out on the edge of a 400-foot-tall cliff and trying to look down to see how my climbing buddy was doing whilst being held in place by one flimsy rope was a little freaky at times. Since positive self-talk (it’s ok, breathe, you’re not gonna fall) was not really working, I thought of my own calming down method — I found tiny flowers and leaves in the rock’s cracks and pretended they were my dog Ruby. “Hi Ruby,” I’d say, and suddenly my fear was replaced by a warm, fuzzy feeling. “What are you doing here?” I know it sounds crazy, but try it. It works.