technology What I want

I want a tablet I can write or draw on, with a surface that feels like paper and a stylus that feels like a pen. Maybe I could adjust this stylus to feel like a pencil or a paintbrush or a marker if I wanted, but really, I write more than I draw, so I’d like it to feel like a really good ballpoint pen.

When I write, of course, it would be editable text. When I draw a diagram or a chart, it would be vectors and approximate data. If I sketched out a page design, it would be a page design, with margins and guides.

I’d like to be able to type on this tablet, just put my fingers down and touch-type on keys that aren’t there (or perhaps keys that appear, or, perhaps, in a science-fiction sense, keys that appear only when I need to look), and then when I pick the pen back up, it’s just a tablet again.

And when I need a mouse, that would be on the tablet as well, or the whole tablet could be a touchpad, with multi-touch and gestures.

Except for the psychic ability to tell when I need to look at the keyboard, and except for being able to change the physical sensation of the stylus, why doesn’t this exist already? Why isn’t the keyboard and the tablet one device yet? I’d buy the shit out of that.