general Tuesday & Wednesday

Put up the LACK shelves. Eyeballed the position of the first one (but used my cool new level!) then measured where it was so the other could be centered. They lined up nicely and I only put one of the brackets on the wall upside down and I only broke about 10 anchors in successfully getting 12 into the wall.

Jasper’s been up there (they’re mainly for him) and he seems pleased with the view.

Cleaned up (tidied) some random piles of stuff.

Put the lilies in some dirt instead of just in standing water in an orange bucket in the front yard. The dirt is in an orange bucket on the deck, so that’s better, you see.

Decided on a home for things like sunscreen and bug spray and flashlights and cat accessories and tools.

Did a load of laundry, all by myself.

Still haven’t moved into the office yet.

Jeopardy! audition tomorrow morning.