general Monday was a good day

Vacuumed the office (well, the Roomba did). Twice.

Attached Ikea legs to desk top. Flipped desk upright. Did not kill self or get hernia. Winced many times at the scream of each of 20 screws going into the wood through the metal bracket, but it’s worth it; the legs are rock solid.

Somehow measured wrong in ensuring the filing cabinet would fit under the desk. I thought it would clear by about half an inch. It clears by about three sheets of paper. It’s really pretty awesome.

Reassembled the big bookcase I’ll use to store “my” books. Reassembled the little narrow bookcase I’ll use to store software.

Hung a pretty picture on a pretty lavender wall.

Unpacked and plugged in and set up everything but the computer itself and its immediate family. Will move downstairs to work tomorrow, maybe.

Plugged in a couple of cordless phones I found lying around (one of which is quite aged) in preparation for having phone service tomorrow.

Took out the recycling and trash, including the big bundle of plastic from the office floor. Watered the plants.

Unpacked a box of framed art. Can’t decide where to hang the lion/wolf pictures. I do so love them, but they embarrass me. I always cringe when I’m in the home of a fandom-type person and see fantasy-type pictures like them. At least mine don’t have ladies in leather corsets with swords. I mean, really.

One of the three outlets in the office does not work. I don’t know what to do about this. I’ll have to have David or John look at it, I guess. Annoying.

Set up my old Windows notebook on the coffee table so the Verizon guy tomorrow can do whatever he needs to do without actually affecting my life. I suspect most of what he needs to do consists of verifying the wireless works and of setting up my email, which I have no intention of ever using. I think I had a email address for the past seven years; wonder if anyone ever wrote to it.

Did more screwing around with the speakers; as far as I can tell, digital throughput to the right speaker simply doesn’t work anymore! Speaker 1, speaker 2, no difference. RCA cables, fine. Optical, not fine. DVR, DVD player, no difference. Optical or digital coax, no difference. It isn’t the speakers, or the cable, it’s something in the digital path, and it’s making me crazy.

Found the power cord for the Slingbox, so that’s nice. It was in a box labeled “office—open asap” that I neglected to open for a couple weeks. My coasters were in there too, so we can stop using pieces of scrap 1×4 under our drinks (yes, really).

Set up the Roomba dock under the stereo cabinet. Hopefully this will be a nice out-of-the-way place for it.

Got a hefty check from the apartment, which is nice. Turns out my mail can get soaking wet when it rains, as it did yesterday, which is not nice. Check currently laid out to dry. At least it’s readable and the “void” stuff wasn’t triggered by getting so wet.

Watched Jasper chase bugs. I think he killed one, but he didn’t eat it, so what good is that?