general Election Day

I voted in state and local elections today, and as is my wont I’ve been watching the live returns on the state board of elections website.

This particular screen capture therefrom, of my district in my House of Delegates race, does not fill me with enthusiasm and trust in the credibility of my state board of elections.

Click to see larger if necessary. Basically what you have there is a record of zero votes for the incumbent Democrat, 480 votes for the fundamentalist Republican challenger, and 423 write-ins. Clearly this is a mistake.

You know what’s nice? Caputo’s winning anyway.

Unfortunately in my state Senate race the opposite is true. The returns are correct, but the Democratic challenger is losing to the fundamentalist Republican incumbent Ken Cuccinelli. It’s very, very close (50% to 49.8% with 97% of precincts reporting), but I think he has it. Sad stuff. This douchebag sent me a campaign ad in the mail yesterday that listed Janet Oleszek’s endorsement from Planned Parenthood versus his own opposition of all abortion rights. For a minute I couldn’t tell who it was an ad for.