general There will be three posts in the next several minutes. This is the first one.

I just have a couple things to get off my chest, picture-wise.

This is Jasper in my dishwasher. The imaginary lolcat caption is “I THINK I SEE UR PROBLEM.”


This is a headline from a May 1942 issue of a Cleveland legal-notices newspaper, which I have because it contains my maternal grandparents’ name-change announcement (they changed from his birth father’s last name to his stepfather’s last name, under which they’d been living for years anyway).


This is how much gunk was rolled around the tiny (read: grain of rice–sized) “up” roller of my wireless Mighty Mouse scroll ball when I finally caved and cracked it open. It works now.


This is how complicated the board game version of World of Warcraft is. It’s great.
