media Once again with the Phil

It was looking good. It was looking so good. Mirna couldn’t drive the weird stick-shift minicar. They had to redo their cooking detour. They were all dressed up in their interview segments. But nooooo. Oswald and Danny messed up, and ended up losing out to a waiting, penaltied Eric and Danielle, and whereas it made me really happy that the blondes won the leg, I am SO FUCKING SICK OF CHARLA, and now she’s going to be in it ’til the end.

I really wanted to watch and enjoy this show again, the end of the season, the finale, being my favorite part, but noooo.

OH MY GOD, it’s another non-elimination leg!

THERE IS STILL HOPE. The horrible midget might yet be cut out of the finals. PRAISE BE TO THE PHIL.