general We Are All Hokies

We Are All Hokies:

We Are All Hokies

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Why Are We Here?
We’re lucky. Despite everything that happened on April 16, 2007, we are lucky. Lucky to be able to say that we attended, graduated from, or visited Virginia Tech. We are watching CNN and reading news stories, blogs, Facebook and other profiles to learn about people we’ll never know, and we’re being inundated with negativity about the school. Who knew what when? Could they have done anything differently? Is Blacksburg a safe town? Is Virginia Tech going to recover?

As Nikki Giovanni said, “We are Virginia Tech.” We want to remember all the incredible experiences we had at Tech and in Blacksburg. If you would like to remember the good rather than concentrate on the bad, please pick up your pen and write it down. We don’t care if it’s one memory, a list, or a paragraph. We want you to write it down on a postcard or in a letter and send it to us at:

We Are All Hokies
10809 Ann Street
Fairfax VA 22030

Your postcards and letters won’t disappear. We plan to present these memories to Virginia Tech and hopefully make them a permanent reminder that Blacksburg was, and is, a wonderful place to be — a place that shouldn’t be remembered for one man and a massacre, but for thousands of Hokies and all their great accomplishments.