general A PP, a GIGIGT, and a WIEBT

Pet peeve:
People who cannot internalize the difference between a click and a double-click. God forbid you ever need them to right-click on something. I even just got a professional newsletter email telling me to double-click on a link. I think I’ll just click once, if you don’t mind. You know, the way we’ve all been clicking on web links for a decade now.

GIGIT (God, I’m glad I got that) (pronounced “gidget”):
A canvas shelf unit that’s hanging from the rod in my closet. It’s amazing how perfect this thing is for bra storage. Drawers never were, and over the last several months I had taken to storing bras on my doorknob. It also holds sweaters (of course), jeans, sweatshirts, and flannel pants, and it’s doing a bang-up job.

WIEBT (Why’d I ever buy that?) (pronounced “wibbet”):
The Blair Witch Project
on VHS.