work Working for a few days, starting Wednesday

…using Photoshop (in Windows, but that’s okay) to hack out the English from a ton of charts and graphs and replace it with provided Spanish text. For the US Pharmacopeia.

Sounds utterly easy and relatively mindless (even, hopefully, partially automatable with Photoshop actions once I get going), but just interesting enough that I won’t die of boredom. Plus it pays well.

It is, however, 9 to 5, in Rockville, Maryland.
[but beggars can’t be choosers]

To continue, lest it be said I didn’t work Monday, here’s what I’ve done so far today (besides watch six episodes of Friends and the wonderful season 8, disc 4 special feature where you can actually play Bamboozled!):

Woke up at Lisa’s. Ate at Wendy’s. Went home. Brought in all of yesterday’s purchases. Replaced the lights in the kitchen. Was amazed at the filth on the kitchen floor revealed by the lights in the kitchen. Mopped the kitchen floor. Vacuumed the kitchen floor, sucking up the crap the mop didn’t stick to. Vacuumed the first-floor hallway, the entryway stairs, and my tiny foyer. Took apart and vacuumed my entire sofa, which was full—and I mean full—of Pepperidge Farm Mini Goldfish. I should have taken a picture of the vacuum canister before I emptied it. It looked like a dustquarium.

And now, my lovelies, I’m finally going to watch the end of Six Feet Under.