work Something I wrote three years ago.

This is from June 18, 2002. It’s the oldest entry in my old LiveJournal, which I looked up in order to answer the “when did you start blogging” question in the MIT weblog survey everyone’s taking. (I put that link over on the side, something I’ve decided to start doing with a new thingie every once in a while.)

Partially, it’s because I just don’t get it. Who CARES about “Q season”? Who CARES about “Quality Day”? (wish I’d remembered I had a LiveJournal on Quality Day, since therein hangs a tale and all that.) Why do these people greet each other like they haven’t met for years? Why do they seem to honestly care about the well-being of the company? Why do I suspect they like working here, and they don’t just come in (sensibly) for the rent money and the free Internet connection? Why don’t I understand them?

Someday, I think maybe I’ll have a job where I feel that way, where my face breaks into a smile when my coworkers walk in (I’m lonely now because Tom’s on vacation – hence my having to do the newsletter in the first place), where I wake up in the (ugh) morning (ugh) “rarin’ to go,” and where what I do is neither taken for granted nor treated like a magical “black hole” that no one bothers to understand or comprehend.

Maybe I can work on Sesame Street.

Pretty sad, eh? That was at the last job, about four months before I left it to take this one. And now I’m in exactly the same situation.

Where are the jobs that make you care? Please, someone tell me. I want to care.