media Episode III: The Sith are Assholes, Apparently

I recorded “The O.C.” tonight specifically to get the Episode III trailer. I fast-forwarded through all of the show*, knowing full well the trailer would be at the end.

In any case. The trailer is great. This movie has a feel to it that Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones did NOT have. It looks and feels like the first trilogy. It’s a shame about the special effects—I still think it’s cooler, and more in the spirit of the “space operas” he was trying to make, to have a landspeeder appear to float because it has mirrors under it rather than have an actor sit in a big green box and draw the speeder in later—but the movie looks like a lot of fun.

And this is the one we’ve been looking forward to all along, of course. The Emperor looks like the Emperor. Obi-wan has a beard. Padme’s wearing loose clothing. Anakin’s breathing real loud. The Jedi are being killed off. The first two were a different story; this one’s really looking like a prequel.

*This is sort of a lie. There was a scene where the “mom”† was watching porn, so I may have hit play then.

†If this woman is old enough to be the skinny chick’s (Marissa?) mom, I’ll eat my hat.