general So that went well.

I had twenty people over last night. We ate a lot of food that looked like other food, we drank a perfectly reasonable amount of wine (including half my Turley stock) and almost all the beer that was cluttering up the place, and we played Beatles Rock Band for hours and hours.

The kids set up a fancy restaurant in the playroom, with tables and tablecloths and real food—the Rice Krispie treat sushi was a big hit—and even Jasper’s “Video Catnip” DVD playing in the background for atmosphere. It was all just adorable.

People sat out on the deck by candlelight in the perfect weather, so we weren’t all crowded into the living room. All the food was really good. And some people even brought me presents, including one of Rick Bayless’s Mexican cookbooks, which yay.

Linda’s sister Diane went above and beyond with cleaning up so there’s nothing today but a few pans in the sink and a dishwasher to empty, not at all the wreck it could have been. I have exactly four beers left, so I know I had enough, which is nice.

And it’s so nice that Damon and Jen and Eileen all got home and Twittered what a fun time they’d had.