category: metafilter

metafilter MeFi: Okay, angry owls it is

One of the great things about medieval art and architecture is that people just went in and did things. They didn’t build models and scale them up. Building great cathedrals and abbeys was a learning process as much as anything else. This means many of these apparently perfect aspirations to the Heavenly Jerusalem have some often quite comical mistakes, corrections and bodge-jobs that once you see, you can’t unnotice. Great Mistakes in English Medieval Architecture.

metafilter Ask MeFi: Similar iPad games to The Room?

7yo daughter and I really love Fireproof Games' The Room and The Room 2. But we've played them to death. Until another sequel comes out, what other similar iPad games are there?

metafilter MeFi: the purity myth

Female 'Purity' Is Bullshit

metafilter Ask MeFi: Tell me again why teenagers shouldn’t be having sex.

My 15-yr old daughter recently told me she has been having sex with her boyfriend of 10 months (also 15 y.o.)

metafilter MeFi: “we’re not used to seeing fat people represented positively in media”

Doing this – fucking the programming – is actually really freeing. It means I can stand up at a reading and give a performance in a loud, snarky voice. It means I can sit on and moderate panels without fear. Because I know how fat shaming works. I know that if somebody wanted to try and shame me using the “fat” call-out, the same person would say that whether I was 70lbs lighter or 70lbs heavier.

Science fiction writer Kameron Hurley on public speaking while fat.

metafilter Ask MeFi: T-shirts that don’t feel like t-shirts

I am looking for higher-end women's t-shirts that drape beautifully and fit great. Where do I find them? A surprising number of details and preferences and constraints inside!

metafilter Ask MeFi: Minimal strategy and puzzle games for iOS

I'm looking for well-designed puzzle and strategy games for my iPhone 5S.

metafilter MeFi: Why are Christians so concerned about sex?

Why are Christians so concerned about sex? When English interpretations of the New Testament talk about ‘sexual immorality’ they are really translating the Greek word porneia (πορνεία), it’s used almost every time the topic of sex comes up and often when talking about the worst sins in general. If you can really grok what Paul was talking about as he uses the root for the word over and over again (it appears 32 times in the New Testament) then the rest falls into place. Now porneia has always been translated into Latin as fornication, while being understood by many conservatives to just be a 1:1 stand in for ‘any sexual expression not between husband and wife’. However, Porneia in post-classical Corinthian Greek did not mean generic sexual sin, or even sex outside of marriage, at all exactly and neither did fornication in actual Latin. The truth, like in many things, is a little bit more complicated and a lot more interesting.


[via mefi projects]

metafilter Ask MeFi: tell me about your loosest lightest summeriest pants.

You are like me, a curvy woman who likes to walk a lot and is too old for shorts. You know the secret of finding light, loose, possibly cropped pants that let you walk comfortably for hours and don't chafe or give you sweaty crotch; and which look cool and casual, not completely frumptastic. You are willing to share the secret of finding these pants.

metafilter Ask MeFi: Move-packing hacks

We are starting the first wave of packing to move - I call this wave "cleaning to pack", involving mostly going through closets, cabinets, drawers etc and organizing/tossing so that we don't give up and just start upending drawers into boxes.

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