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  CIMG2942.JPG - Driving into Darlington County, me and Wayne on the fourth of July. Driving into Darlington County, lookin' for some work on the county line. We drove down from New York City, where the girls are pretty but they just wanna know your name...  

  | Driving into Darlington County, me and Wayne on the fourth of July. Driving into Darlington County, lookin' for some work on the county line. We drove down from New York City, where the girls are pretty but they just wanna know your name... Order
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Camera: CASIO COMPUTER CO.,LTD EX-Z750 | Date: Dec 30, 2007 - 11:08 AM | Resolution: 3072 x 2304 | Exp. Mode: Program normal | Exp. bias: 0 EV | Exp. Time: 1/100s | Aperture: 5.1 | Focal Length: 23.7mm | White Balance: Auto white balance | Flash: No
Total images: 20 | Help