archive for July of 2005

work Typical markup I worked from all this week

Typical markup I worked from all this week
Originally uploaded by kostia.

shopping we saw a scary book at the dollar store today

we saw a scary book at the dollar store today
Originally uploaded by kostia.

general Observations

Here’s a description of the very … fey Asian guy I just saw on the train platform.

By the way, I am FREE. It’s only 5:55 and I’m on my way home. Hours of daylight are left, and I miraculously have the three-day weekend I never believed I would get.

Okay. He was wearing those sneakers with no laces, sort of like the soft ones we used to call wrestling shoes but shinier. Grey dress pants. A WHITE BELT. A black dress shirt, and a wide navy blue tie with white and pink stripes.

And he’d been shopping. He had bags from Armani and Lacoste. And he was pulling his iPod out of a tiny little Louis Vuitton wrist purse.

It was something to behold.

In a way, it reminded me of something Chris said a while ago. More than a year ago. Joe asked him, “Do you [meaning gay guys] have a word for straight guys who go to gay bars to pick up straight girls?” Chris’s answer was, “Yeah. ‘Smart.’”

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