archive for September of 2005

other Washington Post Sunday crossword, September 18 (contains answers)


Title: Small Change
Theme entries: punny definitions of common phrases, with one word changed to a homonym. What’s interesting is that the homonyms are in pairs, and the pairs are arranged symetrically in the grid, so half the theme entries were really easy once I figured that out.

23A, Clean up a barbecue mishap?: SWEEP STEAKS
25A, Spike in survey results?: POLL VAULT
55A, Escort service’s offer?: MALE ORDERING
85A, Christmas cards in December?: DOMINANT MAIL
116A, Warsaw scarecrow?: STRAW POLE (hee)
118A, Poker attire, perhaps?: STRIP STAKES (I only sort of get this)
40D, Job for Hoffman?: TOOTSIE ROLE
44D, Bake-off winner?: LEADING ROLL

Things I learned, with web links so you can learn them too:

31A, Arabian Sea feeder: Indus
36A, Vaccine pioneer: Sabin (it seems strange that Salk gets all the credit)
83A, Oregon senator Wyden: Ron
7D: 2004 Sarandon movie: Noel
13D, Classic role for Rita: Gilda (I knew this, but I don’t know why I knew it)
106D: Grid great Graham: Otto (this name rang a bell; must be a Cleveland thing)

I made no mistakes on this one. I got every square right. This was a cute little theme, and I loved how the clues are paired by position, but I think some of the puns were really stretching it (especially strip stakes). There were 8 theme entries and only 6 things I had to look up.

general Couple cameraphone pictures


This is the cool artistic sushi I was trying to tell you about the other day. I ate some on Monday. It was just okay.

This is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at Costco. 🙂

media Really neat rare book link

Rare Books, Old Books, Out of Print and Hard to Find Books:
 -Books Bookphoto Big.Ulysses

James Joyce. “Ulysses”. With an introduction by Stuart Gilbert and 6 hand-printed etchings and 20 reproduction lithographs of drawings by Henri Matisse, on colored paper. Original cloth, embossed in gold on front cover and spine from a design by LeRoy H. Appleton. (inner hinge a bit weak, lacks slipcase). New York: The Limited Editions Club, 1935. One of 1500 numbered copies, signed in full by Matisse on the limitation page. Matisse’s drawings illustrate six episodes in Homer’s Odyssey.



general Something funny that happened yesterday

I’ve been home sick from work today and yesterday. My nose is a veritable fountain, and I feel like I have a fever, though it doesn’t register on the thermometer. I’ve been sleeping a lot and venturing downstairs to eat and whine.

Yesterday I got my White Castle cheeseburgers out of the freezer for lunch. I tore one end off the box, and four cheeseburgers came out. There are supposed to be six in a box, and I wanted six, and I was really put out. I cooked four, and I ate four, and I tore the side panel and the “contact us” information off the box, and I went to the website trying to find out how to complain.

I mentioned this to Lin. “There were only four! Why would that be?!”

Her response was, “Because I ate two of them and you opened the wrong end of the box?” Pause. “Really used to living alone, aren’t you?”

general A few updates

First, I just read one of the best newspaper retractions ever.

Second, I had a really nice birthday weekend. The crabfeast was lovely and small, and the evening was breezy and outside and just delightful. The right people stayed late and it was really nice. The moment that sticks most in my mind is David and I playing a bizarre breath-powered version of tabletop football with a mini peanut butter cup foil wrapper for no reason at all. He beat me senseless.

I wouldn’t let Lisa buy truffles at $299.99 a pound, so she tried to do a cartwheel for last week’s New Thing instead. On the front lawn, well after dark. The cartwheeling did not go well, so Pat took her around the block on the back of his motorcycle. New Thing. Check. Then I did it too. We probably only got up to about 35 miles an hour, but it felt really fast. I seriously can’t imagine how anyone can stand to use a motorcycle as their primary transportation, especially as a passenger. It wasn’t particularly scary, and I didn’t feel unsafe; it just wasn’t particularly comforting. Not like riding in a car at all. Plus, where do you plug in your mp3 player?

media Lost

I haven’t watched the season premiere of Lost yet. I feel super guilty for watching my recorded shows while Lin is here, especially those I know she isn’t into or might not enjoy. So we’ve been watching (as you know) a ton of CSI, and a ton of Friends, and a ton of Mad About You, and a ton of Everybody Loves [Giving Awards to] Raymond.

In any case, I’m also not yet reading Cleo’s recap of Lost 2:1, but I felt you needed to see this first paragraph.

Previously on Lost: OMGWTFPOLARBEAR! Them bitches are hungry. Tourniquet necktie ACTIVATE! “Guys… where are we?”“Vincent, is that you?” HHHHHHWEEEEEEE. Bom-chicka-wa-BOOM. “They make boxes.” Only the shadow knows where the Doomrador goes. Unf unf unf. “Shattered… sternum! Internal… bleeding! Ack…!”“Locke murdered my brother with a CLIFF and a PLANE.” SHENANIGANS! P.S. Your wife speaks English and SHE HATES YOU.

general Neighbor

The Indian people who live in the apartment next to mine, whose deck shares access stairs with mine, have developed the habit of using my deck instead of their own. Mine is in the sun, and theirs is set back under the eave. Mine contains a nice chair and a small table, and theirs is full to brimming of tomato plants. The woman brings her little daughter (not much bigger than Max) over to my deck and lets her climb on my furniture (and mess up my satellite dish) and often even feeds her in my chair.

Until now my reaction to this has been exasperation and dirty looks. My deck overlooks trees. It’s relatively private, and I like it that way. The people who used to live in that apartment were invisible to me, and I liked that especially. I keep all my rear-facing window blinds wide open for the light, even though I know it’s not particularly secure, and I like to feel that I’m in a bubble. Looking out the window while I’m lying pantsless on the sofa and suddenly seeing a woman in a sari and her toddler daughter RIGHT THERE is so strange and invasive that it renders me shaking and speechless.

Today I got fed up with this and just went outside and said to her, “could you please use your own deck instead of mine? I just don’t understand why you’re always over here.” She fled. I hope to high heaven that’s the end of it. I hate hate hate hate confronting people.

If she comes back, I’m siccing Lin on her.

technology WOW do I remember these. Wish I’d saved some. Wonder if Jeff did.

Elephant Memory 5.25“ floppy art and ads:
Cory Doctorow:

Kevin has collected a lovely gallery of advertisements and protective sleeves from the sadly departed Elephant Memory line of 5.25” floppy discs, which sported great illos of mighty elephants faithfully remembering your Logo programs and saved Loderunner games.


(Thanks, Kevin!)

media Another one.

This is just creepy. Maggie Walsh from Buffy is on the episode of CSI I’m watching now. It’s too much for coincidences. I’m running out of people from Joss Whedon shows who haven’t been on CSI.

media TV coincidence update, and my birthday :)

We are watching an episode of CSI featuring Summer Glau. The Small Good-TV World Whedon Connection™ continues unabated.

Saturday night we went out for my birthday, which is really this coming Friday, but what with one thing and another we rescheduled.

The original plan was to see EFO at the 9:30 club, but with Julie being sick they of course canceled that show and a dozen others (so far). So instead we went out for dinner and bowling. (We don’t celebrate my birthday on my birthday weekend because Lisa and David’s anniversary crabfeast is always that weekend. I insist I’m okay with this.)

We had Korean barbecue, which was exactly how I thought it would be and exactly what I wanted. (This link is to a not-otherwise-noteworthy review by someone who had a very similar meal.) We were the only non-Koreans in the restaurant, which is always a great sign, and the food was amazingly good. If David and Lisa and Lin enjoyed it half as much as I did it was a resounding success. I can’t wait to do it again.

Cindy left me a box of Thin Mints, wrapped in the Sunday funnies, and Lisa gave me this and this (ilovelisa) and a key to their house (which is kind of a running joke).

After dinner we had ice cream (they don’t have cake batter anymore). Then we went bowling, and Eileen met us there. I did awfully the first game but at least broke 100 in the second.

Last night we watched the Emmys. Pretty much every winner but S. Epatha Merkerson and Felicity Huffman (ilovefelicityhuffman) was a disappointment. I am tired of Raymond.

far >