archive for March of 2013

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 31 2013

Fear me Stavia... for I am coming to force you into gaming. You think I am kidding? You just wait...

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 30 2013

I have now endured 11 days of pure torture... that is what this is... this non-game playing... someone call the police.

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 29 2013

I read online that someone called me all 'emo' for complaining about Stavia in my blog... what is with everyone and their labels? And in other news, no gaming yesterday... in case you were wondering...

jasperopolis A new factory has just opened.

A new factory has just opened.

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 28 2013

It says on the box that Xbox 360s require at least two hours of gaming per day. Stavia needs to get with the program! Ok... I lied that is not on the box... but it should be.

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 27 2013

Stavia would tell you I am a patient Xbox 360... little does she know... I have a bit of a temper if I am neglected.

games Stavia’s Xbox – Mar 26 2013

I read somewhere that electronic products can turn yellow from lack of use... Do you really want a yellow Xbox Stavia? Do you?

thinkgeek Doctor Who 18oz Acrylic Cup W/ Straw

pinterest I want this a lot.

I want this a lot.

pinterest I want this a lot.

I want this a lot.

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