archive for December of 2005

kids a story about Max

I took these three pictures of Max yesterday, and they just keep getting funnier. Especially the middle one.

All photos are visible here.

First, he examined some of my remote controls. This is normal. Note the blank black TV screen behind him.
 Photo 051204-Christmastree Slides Cimg0068

Then he yelled at them. This is not normal, but it was hilarious. Note the TV screen is still black.
 Photo 051204-Christmastree Slides Cimg0069

Apparently it worked, because look at what happened after he selected one.
 Photo 051204-Christmastree Slides Cimg0071

general Guess what?



media First time ever

I’ve been watching Saturday Night Live since I was about nine. Call it twenty years, though it’s been more.

When I was a child, I’m sure the hosts were frequently people I’d never heard of, because I couldn’t watch the shows and go to the movies they were famous from. Sure. But after a while that stopped happening. The host was always someone I knew, even if it was someone who was famous for something I hadn’t seen; it was always someone for whom I could tell you why they were there.

This weekend, for the very first time I can remember, the host was once again someone I had never heard of. Dane Cook. Lin had heard of him, and said he was “that stand-up comedian everyone keeps saying I’m supposed to watch.”

I honestly can’t remember the last time the host of SNL was a young comedian who wasn’t also pimping a sitcom or something. But here he is. And you know what? This guy is hysterical. I’m a total convert.

Next week it’s Alec Baldwin for the forty-fifth time (or so). That’ll be just fine.

Edited to add:
This one bit where the guy’s been in a coma for a day and the girlfriend has moved on and married and sold his shit is totally ripped off from The State. I’m just saying.

media March Of The Penguin Paperbacks

You have no idea how exciting this is for me. I have spent the last ten years trying to collect all 60 of the 60 tiny paperbacks Penguin released (priced at 60 pence each) for their 60th anniversary. I ended up with 54, plus four duplicates.

This time, considering my stress level, I think I might have to just get the boxed set.

March Of The Penguin Paperbacks:
In commemoration of its 70th year of publishing, Penguin books presents 70 miniature paperbacks, also available as a boxed set. Readers will salivate – but so will designers. Just browse through the virtual shelf for a stunning array of book…

family Cleveland, O.

This morning I bought a venti mocha at Starbucks. Around one, when all there was left was a half-inch of cold chocolate sludge (yum), I poured in the rest of the office coffee and a handful of ice cubes. That worked out fairly well. I mean, it was gross, but it lasted me the whole day.

Today I realized something about some things I own that I’ve owned my whole life.

I have this angel. She’s been broken and glued together several times, but I love her dearly. She’s a “September Angel,” and she’s reading a book. My birthday is in September, is why I have her. You knew that.

I found a picture online. This is her (the middle one):
 Jpg F-N Napco-Angels

I knew there must have been twelve in the set, but I have never seen the others. Also, my September’s face is slightly different. Less evil.

I also have these three little china pixies with red hair. One’s orange, one’s yellow, and one’s green.

I found a picture online. This is the orange one. Mine’s face isn’t so blushy. Doesn’t she match the site so nice?
 Thumbnails Omg7293 Omg7293B520 Mdh7396

My grandmother had them, and I coveted them for decades, and now they are mine. My great-aunt also has a set, but that’s neither here nor there. They have wee stickers on the bottom that say “National Potteries Co., Cleveland, O. Made in Japan.” I just now, after years, looked up this company. It turns out it’s abbreviated “Napco,” and when I Google “Napco” what do I find? My angel! All these years staring at the angel and the pixies, their same style of face painting, their same hollow construction, their Cleveland provenance, and I never once realized they were made by the same company.

There’s tons of Napco stuff on eBay.

(That went pretty well for being too lazy to take my own damn pictures.)

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