archive for March of 2006

technology A few amusing pictures

They’ve introduced a new model of the camera Jeff and I both have, the Casio Exilim EX-Z750. We love this camera. One of the things it does (occasionally useful) is set up pictures with “best shot” presets.

The new model (this is a photo of a website, so sue me) has a “best shot” specifically for selling crap on eBay. This is unbelievable.

Especially since the existing camera has a “best shot” mode called “Collection” that’s designed for photographing collectible objects up close. I wonder how this is different.

Last weekend, during the Olympics, Deborah and I were watching four-man bobsled. One of the announcers was talking about one team’s weight advantage over another, in terms of the maximum weight on a four-man sled, and he stammered a little and repeated the number. The live closed-captioner was quick, but not quick enough, and this is the hilarious result.


In other camera news, I just downloaded a wonderful set of Mac icons called “CHUMS.” I don’t know if these are photorealistic drawings or what, but they’re awesome. It’s one of the best icon sets I’ve ever seen, and I have about eighteen thousand icons right now. This set includes beautiful images of my Dell monitor, my exact Exilim camera, and of cousre the Bose noise-canceling headphones that will one day be mine.

I just replaced the file “import_camera.tiff” inside the iPhoto 5 package with the image from this beautiful icon, and now when I import photos, the generic camera it shows has been replaced by my actual camera. For some reason, this sort of thing always makes me happy.
Import Camera

general Again, three things

My nose smells awful.

I just wrote “Be merciless.” on my to-do list.

When I write the word “Kleenex” it looks exactly like the Kleenex logo.

web Francis Heaney cartoons

I’m really enjoying reading the blog (and especially the cartoons) of one Francis Heaney, who used to write puzzles for Games magazine, of which I was a huge fan and voracious consumer in its heyday.

Francis has wisdom to impart.


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