archive for May of 2006

general Accomplished II

Since Thursday evening, I . . .

. . . dusted
. . . yes, dusted
. . . did the dishes
. . . cleaned my bathroom
. . . took out a lot of trash
. . . cleaned out a big Rubbermaid tub
. . . consolidated the Lego-for-sale piles into said tub
. . . vacuumed
. . . let Deborah vacuum and dust upstairs
. . . straightened up the guest bedroom
. . . copied a bunch of Looney Tunes cartoons from DVDs to my iPod
. . . put some books back on the shelves
. . . bought, repotted, and watered three new plants for my deck
. . . sorted and stored two big bags of old photos
. . . went to a community yard sale
. . . packed up some old RAM to sell
. . . folded all my spare blankets
. . . viciously culled my cassette tapes
. . . watched several hours of television
. . . played Scene It? at least twice
. . . answered all my email
. . . wrapped a Mothers’ Day present
. . . bought two special dinners at Trader Joe’s
. . . went to Target and Wal-Mart
. . . vowed never again to go to Best Buy

. . . and slept well past noon on Sunday anyway

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