archive for October of 2006

web Another meme

Hee. Hee hee. Hee hee hee.

Your Dominant Intelligence is Linguistic Intelligence

You are excellent with words and language. You explain yourself well.
An elegant speaker, you can converse well with anyone on the fly.
You are also good at remembering information and convicing someone of your point of view.
A master of creative phrasing and unique words, you enjoy expanding your vocabulary.

You would make a fantastic poet, journalist, writer, teacher, lawyer, politician, or translator.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

flickr Steamy Capitol

T.D. Ford (Grundlepuck) posted a photo:

Steamy Capitol

The U.S. Capitol building seen through a cloud of steam.

Featured on DCist as Photo of the Day for Tuesday, October 3rd, 2006. Thanks DCist, and welcome DCist readers!

media The Amazing Race

I can’t get pictures to upload properly, intermittently, so there’s a picture-laden entry and a crossword puzzle that you can’t see yet. I’ll keep trying.

I was watching (finally) the first episode of this year’s Amazing Race, and I wrote down little notes so I can remember which team is which. My notes amuse me, especially on rereading them just now, so I decided I’d share. Keep in mind that this is before anyone’s eliminated. I’ll catch up tonight on all three episodes that have aired. Please don’t ruin it for me if you happen to read this before then.

This is what I wrote. I didn’t even pause, so these are immediate snap judgments intended to help me identify the teams as they reappear, given about three inches of space to write. No team’s description takes more than one line on my little notepad. And the closed-captioner guessed on some spellings and the names didn’t appear on the screen as Phil was introducing them, so I’m sure I spelled some wrong. Sue me.

Bilal & Sa’eed—Muslim friends eliminated first, at surprise “oops we had 12 teams for some reason” halfway point
Vipul & Arti—married, Asian Indians eliminated at end of first leg, a shame as they were kind of cute
Kellie & Jamie—southern cheerleaders eliminated at end of second leg, they had really started growing on me
Duke & Lauren—father & daughter, she’s gay eliminated at end of third leg, missed it due to CBS scheduling idiocy
Tom & Terry—gay NY jews eliminated at end of fourth leg, good riddance
Peter & Sarah—she has one leg, dating triathletes eliminated at end of fifth leg, because they can’t communicate worth a shit
Rob & Kimberly—Latino, dating, he’s a dick
Dustin & Kandice—Miss NY & Miss CA
David & Mary—married, he’s a coal miner, hicks eliminated at end of like the billionth leg (I think eighth?) after being last three times
Erwin & Godwin—Asian jocks, brothers eliminated at end of, if my count is right, ninth leg, because they were pussies
Tyler & James—junkie models in rehab
Lyn & Karlyn—black single moms

My guess for first elimination is either Tom & Terry or Kellie & Jamie. I believe Rob & Kimberly and Duke & Lauren will last longer than they deserve to.

And “junkie models in rehab” is where I decided this list was too funny not to share.

I figure I’ll just update this as we go. Why the hell not.

Edited Mon 10/2 around 7 pm to correct spelling of names as they actually appeared on screen. I also further predict I will never learn which is which between Tom & Terry, Dustin & Kandice, or Tyler & James. I also also restate with firmness that Duke and Rob really are dicks. Lastly, I think I’m rooting for Peter & Sarah or Vipul & Arti.

Edited Mon 10/2 around 8 pm to remove the first two eliminations and to change my root-fors to Peter & Sarah, despite their underhanded abuse of her disabled status, and Edwin & Godwin, whose “good karma” strategy amuses me a lot.

Edited Mon 10/2 around 9 pm to say that I don’t know what’s up with the fuckheads at CBS. The episode from last week and the episode from last night are cut off—last night’s is almost forty minutes behind schedule—because of whatever’s on before 60 Minutes. Is it football or something? This show never starts on time. I just changed my program to record a full extra hour starting next week, to make sure I get the end. Unbelievable. In any case, I have the beginning of last night’s, so I saw the recap and know it was Kellie & Jamie eliminated two weeks ago. I had to check the website to add last night’s elimination of Duke & Lauren, which I very much wish I’d actually seen.

Edited Sun 10/15 to say I finally watched last week’s and people are morons. I don’t miss Tom and Terry at all. Only better outcome would’ve been the elimination of David and Mary.

Edited Mon 10/23 to say I really like this “marked for elimination” stuff, and I don’t understand why the Cho brothers are helping David and Mary, or how anyone could like anyone so willingly unworldly. I can’t deal with people like that. If your situation keeps you from having traveled, or if your educational opportunities weren’t there, fine. Do it for yourself. Read a book every once in a while. Go to a museum. It’s not just the hicks; Kimberly didn’t know the word “mosque.” How can people live in such small universes? Also? If your team has a total of three legs, wouldn’t the person with the majority of those legs be the logical choice to CLIMB SHIT? Also? As cool as the phrase “robot camel jockeys” is, I kind of wish they’d said something on the show about why they use robots to ride in camel races: because they got hassled for decades of using orphans. Lastly, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a leg before where the last leg’s first-place team came in last, and the last leg’s last-place team came in first.

Edited Mon 11/20 to say it took forever to get rid of the coal miner/’s daughter, and while it’s been obvious for so long that the final three were going to be who they are (Lyn and Karlyn are so out of there), I kind of wish Rob and Kimberly had been eliminated sooner. I just hate them.

other Washington Post Sunday crossword, April 16 (contains answers)

Title: The Gods Must Be Crazy
Theme entries: familiar phrases with words replaced with homonyms that are the names of gods and goddesses

16D, Egyptian goddess’s cool treats?: ITALIAN ISIS
74D, Roman goddess’s sports classic?: WORLD CERES

Things I learned, with web links so you can learn them too:

22A, It’s near Provo: OREM, UTAH
27A, Metz Mrs.: MME [the item here is that a city called Metz is in France, while a city called Cologne is in Germany.]
51A, First earl of Avon: EDEN [a sad story: Nicholas Eden, the second earl, died of AIDS in 1985, and the title died with him.]
58A, Denver university: REGIS
70A, Waters off Borneo: SULU SEA
79A, Clunky shoe: SABOT
102A, Banned pollutants: PCBs
109A, Cubist Fernand: LEGER
118A, Roman goddess’s “I don’t have to explain!”?: JUNO THE DRILL [I thought Juno was male for some reason; maybe confusion with Janus]
14D, Dickens’ Little ___: EM’LY
28D, “Rienzi” composer: WAGNER
35D, “East of Eden” girl: ABRA
44D, Peterson of jazz: OSCAR
45D, Fan-tan, by another name: SEVENS
48D, Bring out: EDUCE
67D, Bridget Riley‘s genre: OP ART [interesting! I like the sample pictures on the right side of that Wikipedia page very much.]
80D, French chalk user: TAILOR
102D, “Sing Sing Sing” penner: PRIMA [marching band MP3 here; of course I know the song, but I didn’t know what it was called]
114D, C&W’s McCann: LILA

I changed 6 squares (still getting another five wrong) and looked up a billion 20 things. This puzzle apparently sucked. I have no energy left to do more (I have nine more waiting to be blogged), and I’m still six months behind.

web There is now an RSS feed for the book list!

I don’t know how many of you both care about the book list and use an RSS reader, but now your two loves are one.

The URL for the RSS feed for the book list is

It’s thanks to this page I finally figured out how to get this to work. You may also note that the Year Ten began recently.

There’s also an entry in progress that compiles a bunch of recent photos I think the world should see. Image uploading appears to be temporarily broken (it worked when I posted those shots of Lisa in the wedding dress just the other day, so I’m sure it’s temporary), so I can’t post that entry just yet. It’s brilliant, though. Watch for it!

In the meantime, enjoy the photo pages, where the same photos will appear today (without commentary). Remember, there’s always been more to and this site than meets the eye on initial viewing.

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