archive for July of 2009

web The Linkfest

More than ten years ago, when lots of web links were 88-by-31-pixel mini-banners, I made a webpage of a bunch of them, just because I thought it would be funny.

It was, of course.

I just found it.

I’ve made one small change to it, which is to use a little CSS to make it narrower, so you can see how big it was on a monitor of the day. The rest of it is just as it was on January 31, 1999, at 8:07 pm, the last time it was edited.

Click here and enjoy it. It takes a minute to load, even now (imagine it then). The links still work.

general Poor thing.

I just got to a post from November 27, 2005, when things were not going well at all, and caught myself saying, out loud, “Oh, sweetie.”

To myself.

Because I felt so bad for her.

general Another thing I wrote in an old post that I like

This is a link to the old post, from February of 2006.

Here’s what I like:

Sometimes I miss being younger and more carefree, and very occasionally I think it might have been fun to go to school in DC (Lisa thinks this a hundred percent; I’m not really on board). Then I get home to the admittedly distant suburb where I live and where I have scads of space for my books, and I think about the fact I met my best friends and found my life’s work at a university with cows, and I think it’s probably better this way.

twitter kostia: I would like to know if I am the only human walking the earth who knows REGIME and REGIMEN are two different words.

twitter favorites Just_Alison: I’m eating this chocolate cake to prove I’m not a racist.

Just_Alison: I’m eating this chocolate cake to prove I’m not a racist.

twitter kostia: Emergency alert system just cut into a *recorded* show for a tornado warning in a neighboring county. I didn’t know it could do that, cool

twitter kostia: @eileenbeans holy crap, are you having a hurricane?

twitter favorites CcSteff: Day Two of Operation: Reduce Caffeine. lol jk I only lasted one day.

CcSteff: Day Two of Operation: Reduce Caffeine. lol jk I only lasted one day.

twitter kostia: I just pulled my credit for the first time since consolidating all my credit cards. FICO score improvement? FIFTY POINTS!

twitter kostia: Already about halfway through copying entries from the old blog to the new one. Why didn’t I do this months ago?

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