media Friday

We went to the 9:30 club and saw Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers for what is, if my reckoning is correct, the seventh time. I would have guessed eight, but I can only think of seven. Anyway, not counting where they weren’t really the draw (like the Herndon Festival, or opening for EFO at Wolf Trap), it was the most heavily attended Sixers show we’ve been to. I was pretty surprised at how many people girls there were who knew all the words. The new songs we heard off the new CD sound really good. I’m looking forward to it. We got two encores, and the second one made him cry. Which was adorable.

I had several beers.

Then we went to 2 Amys for pizza, which was phenomenally good. In addition to the incredibly silky mozzarella on my pizza, I had anchovies. They were amazing. Huge, and covered in olive oil, and so, so wonderfully salty. Crusty bread, spot-on service, a full bar. Plus, big crusty pizza is exactly what you need when you’ve had, as I had had, several beers. I’ve got to go back.

I spent the night at David and Lisa’s (for the second night in a row; I had what I now suspect is food poisoning on Thursday and needed a little caretaking), then slept late and hung out with the girls for a bit today (including wrestling Josie first into her swimsuit then into her ballet outfit). Tonight is dinner at Cindy and Pat’s, which will be nice for a change. Then tomorrow I have to make all* new press PDFs for the WDI, because that is apparently what I do on Sundays now.

*except section 5, which inexplicably† had no changes

†it’s not that inexplicable; it’s a short section with no figures