general Spam snippet

You know how they don’t really use random words anymore, they have chunks of seemingly “real” text at the bottom?

This came in a spam email today.

‘But naturally I am not so much interested in the buses and telephones
and such like . . .’
‘Apparatus,’ prompted Faggot.
‘Precisely, thank you,’ drawled the magician in a deep bass, ‘ as in
the much more important question : have the Muscovites changed inwardly? ‘
‘A vital question indeed, sir.’
In the wings, glances were exchanged, shoulders shrugged; banker’s tape
and marked ‘ One Thousand Roubles’. His neighbours crowded round as he
picked at the wrapping with his fingernail to find out whether it was real
money or a stage prop.

I’m fascinated. Is that a real story? Does mass-mailing software pull chunks from Project Gutenberg books? Who would name a character Faggot? Why are magicians fascinated with Russia? What happens between the shoulders shrugging and the tape, where clearly at least one line is missing? Is this a scene from The Prestige II?

Also, new bowl. Blue with purple sparklies.