web There is now an RSS feed for the book list!

I don’t know how many of you both care about the book list and use an RSS reader, but now your two loves are one.

The URL for the RSS feed for the book list is http://slithytoves.sytes.net/~kostia/nucleus/xml-rss2.php?blogid=4&full=yes

It’s thanks to this page I finally figured out how to get this to work. You may also note that the Year Ten began recently.

There’s also an entry in progress that compiles a bunch of recent photos I think the world should see. Image uploading appears to be temporarily broken (it worked when I posted those shots of Lisa in the wedding dress just the other day, so I’m sure it’s temporary), so I can’t post that entry just yet. It’s brilliant, though. Watch for it!

In the meantime, enjoy the photo pages, where the same photos will appear today (without commentary). Remember, there’s always been more to kostia.net and this site than meets the eye on initial viewing.