general Pesach

When I was growing up, one of the snack foods that was almost always present in our pantry was matzo. Giant unsalted crackers. Manischewitz. Unleavened bread. Forty years in the desert. Manna from heaven. You know what I mean.

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I would break them into pieces and spread butter on them and eat them like toast. They’re crunchy and good, and nothing else—crackers, bread, tortillas, anything—tastes quite the same.
For some reason, despite the fact that we’re not Jewish, we had them all the time. I don’t know why my mother bought them, though I’m sure she’ll tell us. It may have just been because it was New Jersey, and you could buy matzo all year round.
I live in the South now. You can’t.
But this week, it’s Passover! So at the store last night I picked up a box. I had forgotten how much I like them. They taste exactly the same as when I was a kid. My desk is covered in crumbs, and there’s butter on my keyboard, and I love it. I should stock up.