general Meme from Arwen

Yes, that’s what I said.

A – Accent: Parts of Ohio (crayon has one syllable) and parts of New Jersey (I no longer say “roof” like “book” but rather like “boot”).
B – Breakfast Item: I rarely eat breakfast but am trying to get into the habit and will probably be having cereal sometimes. Sometimes I have frozen taquitos or other non-breakfast food I can eat in the car in the six minutes it takes to get to the bus.
C – Chore you hate: Taking out the garbage. God, I wish I had some sort of incinerator chute or something. I hate having a trashcan fill up so I have to replace the bag. I hate carrying the bags outside to the dumpster. I hate the garbage.
D – Dad’s Name: Ronald.
E – Essential everyday item: Treo 650.
F – Flavour ice cream: Butter pecan.
G – Gold or Silver?: Silver.
H – Hometown: Berkeley Heights, NJ.
I – Insomnia: Often.
J – Job Title: Unemployed, for all intents and purposes.
K – Kids: Someday.
L – Living arrangements: Alone, in a big townhouse designed for at least two people, which I can’t really afford.
M – Mom’s birthplace: Ohio.
N – Number of significant others you’ve ever had: Eleven or twelve. Significance is in the eye of the beholder.
O – Overnight hospital stays: Besides when I was born, four days last October when I had pyleonephritis.
P – Phobia: Heights. More specifically, precipices. I do NOT like precipices.
Q – Queer?: Nope.
R – Religious Affiliation: Anti.
S – Siblings: Jeff.
T – Time you wake up: Last possible moment. Today, 2pm.
U – Unnatural hair colours you’ve worn: Several shades of red. My highlights at present are grown out to the tune of two inches.
V – Vegetable you refuse to eat: Is coconut a vegetable? I hate that shit.
W – Worst habit: Biting my nails and cuticles until my hands look like I tried to claw myself out of someplace.
X – X-rays you’ve had: In the last three or four years, both knees, chest. Before that, right foot a few times (broke foot in college, broke toe in junior high), right hand (bent finger when I was a kid). Probably others.
Y – Yummy: Cheese.
Z – Zodiac sign: Libra, on the cusp of Virgo.