other Washington Post Sunday crossword, November 20 (contains answers)


Title: “Pass the Drumsticks!”
Theme entries: phrases and names containing words associated with drums and drumming.

23A, With 112 Across, drummer’s favorite nursery rhyme?: TOM-TOM the
25A, Drummer’s favorite candy?: Tootsie ROLL
35A, Drummer’s favorite art shop?: TATTOO parlor
42A, Drummer’s favorite party activity?: CONGA line
62A, Drummer’s favorite TV program?: The GONG Show
87A, Drummer’s favorite recitation group?: BEAT poets
93A, Drummer’s favorite slacks?: PEDAL pushers
109A, Drummer’s favorite appetizer?: potato SKINS
112A, See 23 Across: piper’s son

Things I learned, with web links so you can learn them too:

19A, Eye part: UVEA [I must note, my mother as good as knew this one]
23A, see above
51A, De ___ (too many): TROP
83A, Pernod flavoring: ANISE
61A, Yeanling‘s mom: EWE
94A, Sibyl: SEER

I messed up 3 squares in this one, but really it’s only one, the D in DEMI, because I at first wrote MIMI and was able to turn the I into an E, so that’s fine, and the other is the Y in JUNKY because I was filling in a bunch I had planned in my head and just wrote an E like a typo and that shouldn’t count. I got no letters outright wrong, and thanks to my mother helping me talk things through while I ate my eggs and sausage this morning, none were left blank. This was a fun theme, and I liked that there were so many theme entries (8) after so few in the last puzzle. Plus, only six things I had to look up, which is great.