media Lost

I haven’t watched the season premiere of Lost yet. I feel super guilty for watching my recorded shows while Lin is here, especially those I know she isn’t into or might not enjoy. So we’ve been watching (as you know) a ton of CSI, and a ton of Friends, and a ton of Mad About You, and a ton of Everybody Loves [Giving Awards to] Raymond.

In any case, I’m also not yet reading Cleo’s recap of Lost 2:1, but I felt you needed to see this first paragraph.

Previously on Lost: OMGWTFPOLARBEAR! Them bitches are hungry. Tourniquet necktie ACTIVATE! “Guys… where are we?”“Vincent, is that you?” HHHHHHWEEEEEEE. Bom-chicka-wa-BOOM. “They make boxes.” Only the shadow knows where the Doomrador goes. Unf unf unf. “Shattered… sternum! Internal… bleeding! Ack…!”“Locke murdered my brother with a CLIFF and a PLANE.” SHENANIGANS! P.S. Your wife speaks English and SHE HATES YOU.