general Neighbor

The Indian people who live in the apartment next to mine, whose deck shares access stairs with mine, have developed the habit of using my deck instead of their own. Mine is in the sun, and theirs is set back under the eave. Mine contains a nice chair and a small table, and theirs is full to brimming of tomato plants. The woman brings her little daughter (not much bigger than Max) over to my deck and lets her climb on my furniture (and mess up my satellite dish) and often even feeds her in my chair.

Until now my reaction to this has been exasperation and dirty looks. My deck overlooks trees. It’s relatively private, and I like it that way. The people who used to live in that apartment were invisible to me, and I liked that especially. I keep all my rear-facing window blinds wide open for the light, even though I know it’s not particularly secure, and I like to feel that I’m in a bubble. Looking out the window while I’m lying pantsless on the sofa and suddenly seeing a woman in a sari and her toddler daughter RIGHT THERE is so strange and invasive that it renders me shaking and speechless.

Today I got fed up with this and just went outside and said to her, “could you please use your own deck instead of mine? I just don’t understand why you’re always over here.” She fled. I hope to high heaven that’s the end of it. I hate hate hate hate confronting people.

If she comes back, I’m siccing Lin on her.