category: technology

technology AWESOME

Okay, so we’ve established that I can now post pictures and blog entries from ANYWHERE ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH. Isn’t that just too cool? In an incredibly dorky way?

When I’m in Hawaii, I’ll be able to post pictures of amazing tropical-type things RIGHT FROM THEM.

travel Weekend happenings.

Julie and Paul came down Friday afternoon. They had lunch near my office then went to the Air & Space Museum. After I got off work, we went and had sushi for dinner at Nooshi. On the way home on the train, we spent a LONG time discussing about whether to see a movie and what to see. I bought a newspaper and decided that “Kingdom of Heaven” maybe wouldn’t be that bad, so we saw that. It wasn’t that bad. Parts of it made no sense whatsoever, but it was enjoyable. Ridley Scott really has this “war” thing down. The epic battles in this one were a little too reminiscent of Lord of the Rings, not a favorable comparison, but it was interesting. Leprosy, heads on spikes, that sort of thing. And Orlando Bloom was in practically every scene.

We stayed up late, though I don’t recall what we did. It was a 9:55 movie, so we probably got home between 12:30 and 1, and I know we didn’t go to sleep right away. We probably just watched TV. Saturday afternoon, we got up and drove to Baltimore, eating McDonald’s and listening to David Sedaris on the way. We went to the aquarium, where I took pictures (click on photos above). After a couple hours there (and the dolphin show) we had a drink at Hard Rock Cafe and then went shopping for a bit at the giant Barnes and Noble there.

We discussed for a while about dinner (it being required to eat seafood in Baltimore, but Paul not eating meat, this was difficult and guilty). But majority ruled, finally, and we had the Philips buffet. I luvvvvv the Philips buffet. We sat outside, where it was a little too cold to sit outside, but we had a nice view of all the kids dressed up for prom (not sure, but right age and right dresses and limos) that were swarming the city. After dinner we picked up an apartment guide for Deborah and headed home, listening to Eddie Izzard on the way.

I’m so glad we spent the day in Baltimore. I had a wonderful time. It’s just such a nice city. Charming, one might even say.

Before we’d left, Paul had noticed I had a tape of The State, so when we got home we watched that. I had forgotten how good The State was. We about died laughing. I was amazed that my VCR still worked, as I don’t think I’ve used it once since I moved here. Enjoying the The State tape made me look through my tapes, and I found one with stuff on the label like “Jeff’s birthday” and “Elaine’s concert.” We ended up watching this whole thing! It was birthday parties (Jeff’s eighth and ninth, my eleventh) and school concerts (’84 and ’85 and environs), Christmases (’85, when I got the radio that’s still upstairs, and ’86, when apparently my grandfather was staying with us [I do not remember this]). I made an ass of myself pointing out people I remember and people I do not.

I was saddened to know I’ve forgotten things that certainly happened. A picnic at the playground by Columbia. Bowling for Jeff’s eighth birthday. Grandpa Beckett at Christmas. I did enjoy seeing the day I got that radio, and the day Jeff got that weird green cobra-man action figure he never took out of the package, and so on.

The rest of the tape was the 1984 winter Olympics. We watched some Rosalyn Sumners, even. (1984 silver medalist in figure skating; daughter of one of my father’s old coworkers and friends.) The commercials were the best part: hilarious. Kmart was apparently the #1 sponsor of the Sarajevo Olympics, and their ads were great. There was a Vic-20 in one of them. There was even a Macintosh ad! It was all about the mouse, saying “if you have one finger…” and so on.

We went to bed around 4 am. Sheesh. When I got up today, a little while after Julie and Paul did, I came downstairs to find them watching “Mad About You” on an old videotape they’d pulled out. Apparently my ancient VCR and the tapes I’ve never thrown away are very entertaining. I miss that show, and I’m watching the whole tape now. Right now, in fact, I’m watching the massive NBC marketing juggernaut that was the night of the last “Seinfeld.” Later on this tape, I think, are probably a bunch of the shows I used to tape, like “NewsRadio.” The label also says it has Saturday Night Live with the best of Chris Farley.

But I have a 1984 Macintosh commercial on tape!

technology Tiger

I got my copy of Mac OS X 10.4, Tiger, from Amazon on Friday morning. I took my computer to work and upgraded it in stolen moments while I worked all day (and well into the night, I might add). So I had it installed hours before it was “released” at 6 pm.

I wrote down new things as I noticed them (some are major; some are very subtle), intending to blog about it at length, but I left the notepad at work. Since then, except for the many hours I spent on Saturday and Sunday preparing and cooking for and attending and sleeping off David’s surprise party, I’ve been using Tiger without a hitch. The only thing I had that isn’t compatible is one little haxie (DockDetox) that never did what I wanted it for anyway.

There’s lots of new stuff in Tiger, but the two big things are Spotlight and Dashboard.

Dashboard rocks my socks. It’s like Konfabulator but so, so much better. It’s only there when you need it—no clutter!—but does wonderful things. I like it a LOT.

Spotlight did not in fact rock my socks, or any other part of my wardrobe, UNTIL I went through iPhoto and laboriously added keywords and comments to all my photos. From “Caitlin” and “Maryland” on photos from Jackie’s house to “birds” and “grass” and “water” on photos of Canada geese in a park on the Alexandria waterfront. I tagged artistic photos with their main colors, photos where I was trying techniques with the names of the techniques, and so on.

This was something I’d been meaning to do anyway, and I did it as an experiment to see how quickly and thoroughly Spotlight indexed the entries. It did it INSTANTLY—I didn’t have to re-index or anything. As soon as I typed in the comments in iPhoto, Spotlight knew they were there.

Now, when I type “purple” into Spotlight, I get hits on 51 images, all of which are purple. From the album cover of Prince’s “Purple Rain” to photos I’ve taken of irises to the purple abstract desktop pictures that came with the computer. I didn’t realize I needed this, but woo doggies I did. Images are just the start; I also of course get all the songs in iTunes that are FROM “Purple Rain” (as well as “Interstate Love Song” by STP, which is on the album “Purple”).

That’s only the tip of the iceberg, though. If I type “Potter,” I get not only every Harry Potter site I’ve bookmarked, but the Potter books and DVDs I’ve entered into Delicious Library, the Harry Potter images I have lying around, the release dates of Half-Blood Prince and the Goblet of Fire movie in iCal, all the Harry Potter icons I have in Pixadex, and soon, very soon I hope, all the emails I’ve written in Entourage mentioning the word.

And THAT is only the tip of the iceberg. EVERY APPLICATION has a little search box somewhere in it now. Not just iCal and iTunes and iEverythingElse that came with Tiger or has been upgraded recently (I do have iLife ’05), but the open/save dialogs in every app, so I can easily find the folder I want to save or get a file from or to. This will soon be priceless at work. The searching is incredibly fast. As-you-type fast.

Anyway. I still plan to write up some more impressions of Tiger, but suffice it to say for now that a) I like it, b) I’m glad I upgraded with no hesitation, and c) Spotlight is the best new thing in it.

technology Children understand digital cameras.

I am at Lisa’s, for it is Wednesday. I’m waiting patiently while they put the girls to bed. From the time I got here, a little less than an hour ago, until bedtime began in earnest, about fifteen minutes ago, we played. It was fun. I have my camera with me, specifically for this possibility. I’m kind of tired of taking pictures of Max. He doesn’t do a whole lot yet. 🙂

And I still can’t really get out of work early enough to make it to the Mall well before sunset. Those days are near, though! Be prepared for a repeat of the late summer of ’03, when I was all about the D.C. tourism. This year I plan to hit some not-yet-photographed-by-me places like Meridian Hill Park and the National Cathedral. There will also be pictures of the Basilica from Meg’s graduation next month. The insides of the museums, however, are still really hard to get to before they close on weekdays.

So I thought I’d take pictures of Neva and Josie today. However, both Neva and Josie seem to understand that nowadays you can see the picture right after it’s taken, and both of them spent the picture-taking time doing this:

Me: Smile!

Child: *smiles*

Me: *pushes the button*

Camera: *focuses, causing a split-second delay*

Child: (during delay) I wanna see the picture! [Neva]; Piccah! [Josie]

Child: *begins to run around to my side of the camera to see the picture*

Camera: *takes picture*

Me: *dies*

Child: *laughs uproariously*

All I wanted was close-ups, which made this difficult, as there was not a lot of wiggle room in the framing. I was lying on the floor. I did get some good ones, but I took about thirty blurry, very close close-ups of very small faces. The good ones will be on my site by this weekend.

Alecia, I hope you’re happy.

P.S. There are pictures of Lisa and David too … I know some of you probably wonder about them.

P.P.S. I forgot Julie’s met them.

technology FABOO. NOT.

Well, all the entries I wrote in ecto while I wasn’t able to log in are fucking gone. They were here, but then I logged out, so I guess it erased them. I don’t know what the point is of ecto letting me write them for later posting if it just deletes them. What complete suck. I had like six entries written here (at work), and another three or four at home. I guess no one will ever know what I wrote over the last two weeks.

technology whatsinyourbag

A Gizmodo post today alerted me to the fact of lots of photos on Flickr with the tag “whatsinyourbag.” You can use RSS or a Flickr client like 1001 to see all the photos posted with a certain tag, and I’ve been looking at them for a few minutes. Some people have CRAZY amounts of shit in their bags.

This one impressed me, not least because they’re the same Waterfield bags I have. (Well, I don’t have this one with the seat belt buckle, I have a different model, but still.) I plan to take a very similar picture when I pack for my next trip. My next serious trip is Hawaii in July, where I will carry a fuckload of stuff (camera and accessories, all my computer stuff, iPod and its accessories, and so on).

whatsinyourbag” by Joi
Here’s what’s in my shoulder bag.
The picture doesn’t include the Sony DCS-M1 I took the picture with or my Nokia 9300 which was in my pocket… Other missing things that are usually in my bag are my power supply for my PowerBook, if I am flying United a special power supply for United seats. Also, missing are various power adapters that are being used in the room right now. On flights, this bag will include a book and a few PSP games. The reason I am carrying both Etymotic Research ER-6s and Sesaphonics is because the Sensaphonics are nearly invisible and also difficult to extract. I use the ER-6s when there is a likelihood of being interrupted or where having people know I am listening to something is desireable.

technology massive discovery


Did you know that if you highlight a table column in InDesign and set a decimal tab, you don’t have to actually HIT tab in each cell, it just magically aligns them?

Knowing this a week or two ago would have saved me HOURS. Fuckery.

iTunes is playing Wishin’ and Hopin’ by Dusty Springfield. I gave this 3 stars, and I’ve played it 43 times.

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