general general update

Last night Lin and Matt and I went out to Applebee’s and then bowling. There was a really young guy (“twenty-two–and a half!”) on the lane next to us, and he got it into his head (or his gang tattoos) that he and Lin would make a nice couple. Cough.

We went back to Lin’s, as neither Matt and I was really okay to drive home, and we watched TV with only minimal success. Eventually I just went through their cable ondemand thing and started playing X-Men 2. We had the sound down so far we couldn’t hear any of the dialogue. It was surprisingly easy to follow anyway. I dozed off for about forty minutes in the middle and left before it was over. I didn’t get home until four o’clock in the morning.

I had leftover ribs from Applebee’s for lunch just now. Yum.

I’m still coughing. It’s been more than a week. I don’t feel sick at all, just like there’s congestion in my chest. It’s more annoying than anything else. I never get coughs so I don’t really know what to do for it.

OfficeMax has a leather recliner with an ottoman on sale for $69 with free shipping. I really need a tv-watching chair, and I am sorely tempted by this deal. If it’s still gettable on Tuesday when I get paid, I think I’m going to order one. has lots of stuff like this. Lots of great things for free-after-rebate or cheap.
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