archive for February of 2005

general No matter what I do it says “Upload Failed.” ARGH.

Much to what I suspect is Anna’s continuing annoyance, I’m obsessed with getting ecto to make these sexy little image popups for me. Posting images in my livejournal was always such a pain, and if I could just get this to work easily I’d really enjoy myself. Is all I’m saying.

Once a few minutes ago I got it to upload something (a picture of my mother), but although the thumbnail image appears correctly TO ME, the javascript popup doesn’t come up, and no one ELSE can see the images AT ALL because the html all refers to “file:///localhost” and shit. Hell of a lot of good THAT does my burgeoning readership. ARGH. Plus ecto crashed after that.

I don’t understand how this can be so complicated. All I want is to copy the url to an interesting image, or drag one in from my desktop, or link to one that’s in iPhoto, and share it. Right now I have to open a separate ftp client and copy said images to my own website, and I have to use the full-size image as the thumbnail, which is bad practice.

Also the ecto help files say you get to the attachment settings by double-clicking the image in the draft window, but when I do that it launches Photoshop. Not swift. I don’t see any way actually to get back to those attachment settings at all.

Img 2230-2

In any case, iTunes is playing Valerie by Steve Winwood. I gave this 4 stars, and I’ve played it 2 times. It’s from Chronicles.


Much to what I suspect is Anna’s continuing annoyance, I’m obsessed with getting ecto to make these sexy little image popups for me. Posting images in my livejournal was always such a pain, and if I could just get this to work easily I’d really enjoy myself. Is all I’m saying.


iTunes is playing Valerie by Steve Winwood. I gave this 4 stars, and I’ve played it 2 times. It’s from Chronicles.

work I illustrated it.


general The Tree of Irony

The Tree of Irony.

Also please note Snail Harassment and Bunny Pit.

work Well, I still hate India.

The fine nuclear-capable nation of India has NO inland borders that are not contested. This means that I cannot live an easy life. Maps are supplied to be BY CARTOGRAPHERS and then I have to futz around with them to make India “right.”

Some borders are dotted. Others are dashed. These have different implications. The maps print at approximately 4 inches tall. I have to zoom in to 2000% on screen to even notice these contested borders.

It looks like this.


general Dream

Last night I had a dream where Wayne and I were in a hotel room. I think I dreamed about Wayne because of the American Idol guy. Also in the hotel room, in fact in the bathroom while I was taking a shower, were a little kid whose mother had left him with us, a puppy, and the big black guy from the movie Candyman. That part’s because Lisa and David and I were watching more of that “100 Scariest Movie Moments” thing on TV last night.

In the dream Wayne and I had this weird code word, “seeing the blue dot” or something like that. At one point he looked at me and laughed and said, “You’re not even seeing the blue dot anymore, are you?” and I had to assure him that yes, I was too.

work I need a tshirt

… that says, on the back, OMG SHELLEY I DON’T CARE.

general Today’s Get Fuzzy is so surreally wonderful

here’s a link

media American Idol

There’s a guy on American Idol this year who looks just like Wayne. His name’s Anthony Federov. He doesn’t look like him in this picture, but trust me.

Forgive the screenshot; the Fox website doesn’t allow right-clicking.

By the way, Anna, if you’re reading this, I can’t do image uploads through ecto because I don’t have write privileges on the /media folder. Is that intentional?

general the looking up that things are doing continues

Last week on a whim I filled out a credit card application with my bank, which is something I haven’t tried to do in years and years. Much to my amazement, I got approved, with about twice the credit limit of any card I’ve ever had before.

I must be a grownup now.

Basically, what this means is very little, just that I can save some money in the long run by transfering the balance off a very high-rate Sony card I have and that I can definitely afford to go to Hawaii no matter what else happens between now and then. I’m going to try very, very hard to use this new credit for absolutely nothing except Hawaii things if I have to and other emergencies before then (like if my car breaks).

In any case, it’s a gigantic load off my mind to finally have an emergency credit card. I’ve spent the last decade or so without one.

< nearfar >