work Sick.

As if the concept of getting sick when I don’t get sick pay wasn’t bad enough, there’s the actual getting sick part, which we all know is unpleasant and bad.

Sunday night I was up all night with intense stomach pains, and I finally just threw up, and felt fine, but I’d gotten no sleep, so I called in sick. I told them it was food poisoning (your guess is as good as mine) and that I’d be fine—just fine—to work on Tuesday.

Then there was Halloween. I ate four tons of food last night.

I slept fine Monday night until around six, at which time I woke up with, lo and behold, intense stomach pains. I couldn’t do anything about it so I loaded up on painkillers. We are now—and this is a set of words I do not think I have ever typed before—out of Aleve.

What’s really stupid is the Aleve didn’t even work. So a little while ago—after discovering to my dismay that what I thought were my three remaining Vicodins were in fact Allegra—well, I took a Percocet. All hail the Percocet. I could drop a brick on my foot right now and wouldn’t feel it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The FDA is 100% right to legislate and limit narcotic prescriptions like they do. This here is a recreational drug.

In any case, I have called in sick again, and thankfully spoke to a different person in the office. I feel especially bad because yesterday was the third day of a three-day assignment and today was the day of a one-day assignment in a different place. So both those clients? Screwedish.

I guess I’m just broken, and I just can’t eat anymore. You can bet your bottom dollar today will be an Experimental Low-Key Food Day. No tuna noodle casserole like Sunday. No lasagna and fourteen Kit-Kats (est.) like Monday. Today I am a jam-and-toast girl.

But I’m still not getting paid.