general miscellany and minutiae

One: In all the years I’ve been reading the comics in the Washington Post (bar none, the best comics section in the country, especially on Sundays, and yes, I have seen the San Jose Mercury News), I’ve been reading Big Nate. Most people do not like this strip. Me, I’m ambivalent. Sometimes it’s cute.

I just read Sunday’s and am now dead from hahahaha. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just my pride at getting a sports joke.

 Comics Bignate Archive Images Bignate200511095146

Two: Tonight everything smells like hamsters to me. I know this is a weird thing to say. It’s that sort of musty smell from the cedar-chip bedding. It’s a completely different smell than “diapers,” which is a smell I’m fully used to by now. I thought it was the guy next to me on the bus. I thought it was me. I still smell it. HAMSTERS.

Three: This new thing is very cool. People for whom I buy Christmas presents in quantity, if said people are also people who have candles about from time to time, shouldn’t look. Link

Four: Small World CSI Syndrome continues. Recently on an old CSI: Daniel Day Kim, Jin from Lost, as a Treasury agent. Corollary sighting: Danny Strong, Jonathan from Buffy, on Gilmore Girls.

Five: Check out these cool new library editions of Monopoly, Clue, Stratego, Yahtzee, Risk, Scrabble, and Sorry. I would love love love to have all of these. Bookshelf board games are beautiful. These are available only at Target. Just fyi.

Six: This year, finally, I think I might get a remote starter for my car. I couldn’t get one before because I had a manual transmission, but I think I might do it this year. Man, that’d be nice. No more scraping, no more soaking, no more shivering.