media Miscellany

I’ve been paging patiently through the Flickr set of the 700 hoboes drawn by Ape Lad. I know lots of other illustrators did hoboes, but these are the best hoboes. On #544, Arthur Moonlight, another user said “I want this as a bookmark!” And I agreed with that, and it’s on a share alike license, so I downloaded it, and it will be one of the first things I print out on nice heavy stock when I buy the photo printer I’ve had my eye on.

Then I got to another hobo, #394, Solid First Draft Patton Taylor, and was reminded of a Peanuts strip I cut out of the newspaper several years ago. That, too, will make an excellent bookmark once I print it out on photo paper. I reproduce it below for your enjoyment. I had to scan this in two pieces, and the scanner made different auto-adjustments on them, which I had to correct, plus there’s always bleed-through when you scan newsprint, so I apologize for the quality.

I’m watching a rerun of the Rainn Wilson episode of Saturday Night Live. I’m watching this primarily for the business-meeting bit where there’s a wonderful rapid-fire roll call (Boss: “Invisible man? … Invisible man?” [shot of an empty chair]. Wonder Woman: “He’s out sick.” And so on.), but I forgot about the earlier sketch where four guys sit around drinking beers and reminiscing about “Danny’s Song.” Which was pretty funny. Except on the rerun I’m fairly certain they bleeped the words “Down’s Syndrome.” Which is odd, because it’s far from being the most offensive joke in that sketch. Isn’t that odd?

Also, I fast-forwarded through two solid hours of bitching and whining on a show I refuse to watch anymore just so I could watch that awful Charla fall on her face. Six times I watched that. God bless CBS.
