archive for July of 2007

cat (he’s insane. just ask my friends.)

I just put some tea tree oil astringent on my feet (I know it’s weird, but I was putting some on my face and it felt nice and cool so I put some other places too) and Jasper has been chasing me trying to get at it. He wants—very badly—to lick my foot.

How on earth could tea tree oil astringent taste good?

media Illiterate Americans, volume 94

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If one more commercial offers me one more SNEAK PEAK—apparently some sort of secret, private mountaintop—I will resume my weeping for the future of the English language. How hard is it to understand that “sneak peek” actually makes sense and is right, even though the words are not spelled the same?! This is the same problem as, though much more rampant than, the phrase “tye dye.”




flickr 2007 07 15 128a

Holon Photo posted a photo:

2007 07 15 128a

web Blind drawing

I really enjoyed this quick rundown of ’40s comic artists drawing their characters while blindfolded.

When we were in high school, Nicole and I used to play a drawing game that’s kind of the opposite of this. I remember doing this on the bus for a New York field trip, and on at least one other occasion.

One person has a pencil and paper, and the other person can’t see it. The second person gives precise instructions, a line or curve or shape at a time, and the first person follows them, drawing what she’s instructed to draw. At the end, the artist has to guess what it is she’s just drawn.

Sometimes it’s easy, especially if you tell the person to draw a car, or a letter, or a simple face, but sometimes (like if you try to introduce perspective or anything with an S-curve) the results are hysterical and completely unguessable.

I remember it being really fun.

general Succinct.

Gywo.No Idea
In other news, there are some July photos on the photo site already. We played Wii games at David and Lisa’s last night, and today Deborah and I went to the Air and Space museum. This is my third visit, and every time there are new things. I suppose that’s just the advantage of a new museum, but it’s nice that it feels dynamic.

They’re also showing Order of the Phoenix on the IMAX screen there. Were it not for the $12 parking, I’d be all over that.

Because I have left you all without an account of my adventures in June and early July, I am now giving you my itinerary for late July and August. At least you can get a little news ahead of time this way.

Friday, July 20th, at 11:30 pm, we are going to a Buffy singalong.

Saturday, July 21st, Deathly Hallows arrives at my door around 10 in the morning. At 3 pm, I have a haircut/highlighting appointment. I do not believe I can finish the book in that window.

The weekend of July 28th, I’m going to Cleveland with my cousin to visit her parents. The way she’s talking, it’s important for people to visit her parents (she’s been sending all the kids at least once each over the summer and has made sure someone’s there at least every other week until Meg gets back to school in August). Jeff and Lisa were there not long ago. So I think I ought to go, and Jackie’s been asking for a long time if I want to, and now we’re going weekend after next. At least this way I don’t have to drive. I hope at least some of the kids, maybe the little girls, will want to go the same weekend I do.

Shark Week begins on the 29th with a special about the Indianapolis sinking. You know, the ship the old guy in Jaws was on!

Saturday, August 4th, we’re going to Six Flags for Lisa’s company picnic, then that evening is the symphony and Warner Bros. cartoons (“Bugs Bunny on Broadway”) at Wolf Trap. Long day.

The Stardust movie comes out on August 10th. Julie (and probably Paul, I guess) is coming to visit that weekend.

Saturday the 11th is the COF-a-que.

Monday, August 13th, is Josie’s fourth birthday. We’re going to see Casablanca on the big Screen on the Green screen that evening.

There will be a birthday party for Josie on the 18th.

I have a facial scheduled for the 24th.

On the 31st, Jonathan Coulton is playing the Birchmere. Cannot wait. Way to hit the big time!

flickr CIMG1737

J_Dub posted a photo:


flickr CIMG1624

J_Dub posted a photo:


flickr CIMG1522

J_Dub posted a photo:


cat A tiny aside

It’s not a real entry, okay? Don’t guilt me.

I spent four days in New York. Then we went and saw Lyle. Then we went to the beach for a week. Roughly in that order. The photos are up on the photo site. I’m completely wiped out, and I’m very glad I don’t need to travel again until September, when I go down past Blacksburg to see my parents and uncle and the Charles Vess exhibit in Abingdon.

Jasper is completely insane. I didn’t believe Cindy when she said this, but it is true. I don’t know that he wasn’t insane before he lived at her house for a week, but he probably was. All week he hasn’t slept for more than a couple hours at a time, and his vertical leap has definitely improved. He still won’t let me out of his sight.

The aside is that I made myself a Simpsons character, and that amuses me. Show me you.


flickr CIMG1033

J_Dub posted a photo:


< nearfar >