general Wrong things go wrong

New neighbors moved in on Wednesday the 15th. They play BASSBASSBASSBASSBASSBASS type music. I can’t even discern the melody or words, so I have no idea what it is. It could be rap. It could be badly equalizered pop. It could be speed metal. All I hear is BASSBASSBASSBASSBASSBASS.

I called the rental office today to complain. Pounding music at two in the afternoon on a Monday is just too much, after they were up having a party until four in the morning Saturday night while Linda [and, perhaps more importantly, Max] was trying to sleep. Seriously, do they work? Are they college students? They’re home in the middle of weekdays with friends over, there were five people on their tiny balcony Friday night … there is no college close enough to here for them to commute to! That is at least a $1400 apartment. Whose job is paying for it?

Anyway, I had to put the complaint in writing (strangely satisfying) and they’ll get a lease violation notice. Five days into the lease.

The rear window on the driver’s side of my car has broken. It won’t stay up. I held it up with duct tape on Friday and Saturday, but the sun melted the tape and the window fell down. At least it doesn’t fall fast enough to shatter. I rigged up a better duct tape solution Sunday night, and of course it thunderstormed all last night. No rain in ages, but when my car window is likely to be open, sure, split the heavens.

When the storm started last night, Max had just gone to bed. The first crash of thunder was really close, and just as Lin was saying “please don’t wake up Max, please don’t wake up Max,” someone’s goddamn car alarm started going off. He didn’t wake up, but honestly, who can blame him if he had?

Arriving home from Jo’s party yesterday I found two—not one, two—sets of yellow pages and white pages in Verizon bags on my doorstep. TWO. Who needs two? Also? I don’t have a phone line.

Then I discovered ANOTHER SET by my back door. They’re all going straight to the trash. What a complete environmental travesty. Who the hell uses a phone book anymore? Who the hell needs six of them ever?