cat Cat = Moron.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. He’s been messing with the grates on the floor vents for weeks but doing nothing worse than making annoying noises clawing at them and occasionally pulling out a dust bunny or two.


I looked over to the dining room just in time to see his tail disappear into the floor.

I freaked OUT. I took the grate off the nearest other vent, hoping somehow they were connected. I got out the treats. I called him. I wondered who you call in this situation. I wondered if cats can back up. I wondered if there was a place he could turn around, or god forbid a junction where he could get lost.

Then I saw his tail again. It was hard to do, and he was not happy, but he backed all the way out.

And I yelled at him a lot. And put a piece of furniture on the grate.

What do I do? Can I caulk them down?