family Scannering: results

Here are some highlights from a crapload of pictures I just scanned. They’ll all be on the photo site in an album called “071115-Scanned” in a few minutes. They’ll be larger there, and will have comments.

But, like I said, highlights.

I call this one “Airport ’77” because we’re in an airport, and it’s 1977, not because of any big disaster that happened or was about to happen. Note the ashtray built into the table. Note the American ticket jacket in my dad’s pocket. Note how dressed up we are, just to fly. Dig my mom’s pants, man. Scariest part? This is not the only picture I have of her wearing those pants.

Airport 77
These next two are notable for only one reason. First, we have one my mother labeled “Summer 1977: Jeff 1, Elaine 3.”

Elaine & Jeff 4

I don’t know where we are here. From the look of it, we’re at In Thirty Years Parents Will Call This Place Death Park USA Park. I mean seriously. That child is ONE and he is in that situation. Nowadays, he’d be encased in plastic. I love shit like this.

The second one of this set isn’t labeled, but the processing stamp on the back says “Oct 79.” Notice anything?
Elaine & Jeff 2

Yeah, that’s right. It’s two years later (you can tell easily from looking at Jeff, if not at me), and I’m wearing the same shirt. It even fits a lot tighter than it did in 1977. I do not remember this shirt, but I must have loved it.

Lastly, and this is my whole point, we have what I consider one of the finest pictures ever taken of me ever in my life. My father demonstrated a gift when we were young for taking pictures of children correctly. He must have spent ten years kneeling in front of us with a camera. He got so close, and the light and focus were always so good. Go to the new album page on the photo site and you’ll see more examples. He was great at it.