general nerddom ascendant

Yesterday’s FoxTrot was a great example of what I love about this strip. Yes, it’s repetitive, and yes, the characters are not particularly dimensional (though sometimes [not in recent years] Peter has done and said things that make me think he’s the character Bill Amend really speaks the most through). But when most comic strips have scientific gibberish in them, it’s really gibberish. Calculus, gibberish. Formulas, gibberish. Video games, fictional.

Jason Fox wouldn’t get away with that. Every piece of math and science in FoxTrot is on the up-and-up, and nothing happens in World of Warquest that isn’t happening in World of Warcraft that week. It’s really quite lovely, and it makes me feel like I’m in a club.

But yesterday. Sunday.


Original strip:

When I saw this, of course I immediately opened it in Photoshop and colored it. Of course I did. Just as I squinted at the Magic Eye puzzles he printed in his strip years ago, and just as I try to make sense of the differentials he sticks in every once in a while.

The result:

Foxtrot Paintbynumbers
I have to admit, I had help. This page was invaluable.