general brreeeeaaathhhhheeee

So I was just doing my yoga dvd, as I am wont to do on occasion, and here’s what pisses me off about it.

The poses that are supposed to be hard, like tree, don’t faze me at all. I can balance just fine once I find my stability, and I can breathe good, and I can bend. My boobs get in the way with a lot of the arm movements, but that’s because I don’t have a sports bra to make them point forwards. That’s my cross to bear.

But the pose that hurts the most? The pose I absolutely cannot do? The last one. “Final Relaxation Pose.” LYING FLAT ON YOUR BACK AND NOT MOVING. I can’t fucking do that. It hurts my lower back like hell, and I can’t breathe.

That bugs me a lot. There’s something wrong with me.