category: metafilter

metafilter Ask MeFi: Pacifist achievement unlocked!

What PC games involve a lot of walking around and talking to people and not so much combat?

metafilter Ask MeFi: How do you win at thrift shopping?

Those of you who swear by thrift shopping: how do you do it? How much time do you spend, what's your strategy, what tips can you share?

metafilter MeFi: “I’m mad about you baby. Mad About You….”

"Did you just kiss me?"


"I didn't think so."

metafilter Ask MeFi: Trying to make fetch happen…again. Movie suggestions, please.

There are a handful of movies I adore and have watched over and over: Bring It On, Clueless, Legally Blonde, Mean Girls, and, most recently, Pitch Perfect. Suggest more movies like this, please.

metafilter Ask MeFi: Questions for my mother

As a holiday gift for my mother, a friend of mine suggested buying a nice journal and writing a different question every few pages, so that my mother could fill it out and eventually give it back. I need some help coming up with questions to write.

metafilter MeFi: the need for late-term abortions will never go away

I think that the extreme, right-wing, misogynist religious fanatics have basically hijacked the Republican party and are moving toward being able to hijack the Democrats too. I'm appalled at the hubris of these legislators who, one after another, think they can make more sensible decisions about a woman's personal, private reproductive decisions than the woman herself. They know nothing about these situations. They don't know a thing about later abortions, or why women seek them out, and yet they presume that they should be making these decisions. Interview with Dr. Susan Robinson, One of the Last Four Doctors in America to Openly Provide Third-Trimester Abortions



metafilter MeFi: As if baking wasn’t complicated enough already

17 cooking projects ain't nobody got time for.

metafilter MeFi: Dealing with it.

I’ve lived in this city for almost a decade. I chose my lavaball strategy early. I have big legs; thick, muscular. When I sit, I sit with legs straight and feet on the floor, using no more space than necessary. When I am lavaballed, I dig them in and hold firm.

metafilter Ask MeFi: Help me build a “quiet desperation”-themed playlist…

I'm looking to build a playlist of songs with the theme of "quiet desperation." What songs would you suggest for such a playlist?

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