other Washington Post Sunday crossword, March 19 (contains answers)

Title: Just Do It
Theme entries: common phrases redefined as having to do with hairstyles

23A: Spicy do?: cinnamon bun
48A, Stimulating cut?: caffeine buzz

Things I learned, with web links so you can learn them too:

63A, River through Myanmar: IRRAWADDY [dig the Burmese script]
77A, Sorceress of Colchis: MEDEA [all I knew about her was she was Jason’s wife and killed her children]
2D, Pelvic bones: ILIA
14D, Peter Gunn’s girl: EDIE [all I knew about him was his theme music]
62D, Cackleberry: EGG
69D, Banana oil et al.: ESTERS

I changed only two squares, one of which was totally unfair, because IRE is a noun and IRK is a verb and I will never change my mind about that, and looked up only six things!