work Annoying job-search problem

And an annoying ecto problem! Tab takes you from the title field to the body field, but shift-tab does not take you back. Hate that shit.

The real problem, though, is that my job search agents, which email me results EVERY DAY, have suddenly started pouring in with jobs having nothing to do with me. View:

Pre-Press Production Specialist, USAPress
Service Technician M2, Southern Management Corporation
Administrative Assistant, Loudoun County Government
Accounts Payable Bookkeeper II, Melwood Horticultural Training Center
Telecommunicator I, Prince William County Government

Those first two are fine. ORC Macro is even relevant to international development. The next four are very much not. I don’t know what Telecommunicator is, but I suspect it’s wrong too. I think the way the searches are done has changed, and I am now getting links to every job that contains the word “Adobe,” not just every job that contains the words “Adobe InDesign.” This blows, because the City of Alexandria, the federal government, and lots of large companies include instructions for downloading (Acrobat) Reader right in their job listings, because they have PDF applications.

This bugs me, because my searches usually come up with 4-5 listings per email. If there’s something super-promising or inviting there, I click on it and look. If there’s not, I delete the email. But now, with horticulture and bookkeeping and DOCKMASTERS (wtf?!) coming up, how do I know the perfect InDesign job wasn’t on the list and just didn’t make the cut to get into the email summary?

The other day I as good as promised Shelley I’d stay at CDI for another year, or “the foreseeable future.” In exchange for a $1000 raise (peanuts) and a bonus I misunderstood to be $1500. It was, in fact, $375. Considering what I routinely spend on computer accessories, a three hundred seventy-five dollar bonus is not much of a fucking incentive around here, boy howdy.